Thursday, September 21, 2017

4 Reasons Why Mentally Strong People Attract Toxic People!

You might think that mentally strong people are immune to toxic people. After all, they have the power to defend themselves, reject manipulation and walk away, right? Unfortunately, mentally strong people are just as susceptible to toxic people as everyone else. In fact, they attract them. Mentally strong people have some amazing personality traits, but toxic people often prey on them due to their kindness, compassion and laid back nature.
Here are four reasons why mentally strong people attract toxic people:
1. They Are An Open Book

People who are mentally strong are also honest. They don’t bother hiding their feelings or opinions from others. This trait often has a downside. It attracts toxic people, because honest people are much easier to figure out. A toxic person already knows exactly how they are feeling, so they are easier to manipulate.

2. They Have A Positive World View

Choosing to see the good in people is rare these days, but mentally strong people often look at the positives instead of the negatives. Unfortunately, toxic people can use this trait to pray on those who are mentally strong. They know they can get away with more, because a mentally strong person will choose to see the good in them.
3. They Are Laid Back

Mentally strong people have a pretty good handle on their emotions. They go with the flow and don’t get upset too easily. It’s a great quality to have, but it can also attract a toxic person. An easy-going person is much easier to manipulate, because they keep their cool and aren’t worried about a few setbacks.

4. They Are Generous With Their Time

People who are mentally strong are some of the best shoulders to cry on. They are willing to listen and comfort others in times of need. To a toxic person, this is a green light for manipulation. They often take advantage of kind and compassionate people because they believe they can get away with it.

Now, toxic people don’t always know they are toxic. A lot of the times, a toxic person has no clue they are behaving in a way that hurts others.

Life Advancer
Psychology Today
Psychology Today
Via: David Wolfe;

About Author

Praneeth Madush
Praneeth Madush

Author & Editor

I'm a young cyber security researcher. I have a strong passion for programming. So I known about PHP,Android App Development, and C#.

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